There is no telling what kind of pain will come after me, but… if I stop believing because of that, if the hero should change, it’ll turn into another story from the one my master left behind. Then it won't be Naruto! I can’t write novels like my master did. That’s why the sequel has to come from the life I live no matter how great the pain, I’ll continue walking because that’s who Naruto is!
Naruto to Nagato
Naruto Uzumaki is the current Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Kurama and later becomes the Hidden Leaf Village's Seventh Hokage. This profile covers his experiences and feats after the epilogue of the original Naruto series.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-B in Base likely higher with Sage mode
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Origin: Naruto
Gender: Male
Age: 33-35 in Boruto
Classification: Human, Ninja, Jinchūriki (Tailed Beast Host), Sage, Hokage
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Chakra Manipulation, Surface Scaling, Master Martial Artist, Weapon Mastery, Stealth Mastery, Multiple Personalities, Accelerated Development, Aura, Energy Manipulation and Constructs, Air Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Lava Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Ink Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Yin Manipulation, Yang Manipulation, Yin-Yang Manipulation, Scale Powder Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Homing Attacks, Energy Absorption, Corrosion Inducement, Limited/Selective Intangibility, Explosion Manipulation with explosive tags, Speed Enhancement with Shunshin, Statistics Amplification (Can enhance his physical capabilities with chakra, and further increase his statistics with Kurama's chakra), Advance Energy Manipulation (Can change the nature of his chakra to match thousands of different shinobi during the war), Absorption (Can absorb techniques with his artificial limb), Precognition (Can sense the negative emotions of others), Flight (Can also propel himself and maneuver in the air with Rasengan), Longevity (As an Uzumaki, he possesses an incredible life-force, granting him a longer lifespan than normal humans), Limited Durability Negation (Can ignore the outer defense of targets and specifically perform internal damage by sending chakra waves into them with Frog Strike), Clairvoyance (Gained information about the events of the Fourth Shinobi World War through his sensory abilities as a teenager), Emotion Detection (Can sense hatred and other forms of negative intents and emotions), Limited Petrification and Transmutation (Opponents who absorb excess amounts of natural energy from him without the ability to properly balance it will subsequently be turned to stone and into a frog), Plant Manipulation (By hitting them with his Rasengan, he could change the white Zetsu into trees), Limited Regeneration Negation (Up to Low-Godly; Kabuto stated that due to Naruto's new power, it would take the Edo Tensei more time to regenerate.), Healing (Can revitalize targets, stabilize life forces and restore missing organs), Large Size with Bijuu Mode and Asura Avatar (Varies from Type 2 to Type 3, as the size of the Bijuu was portrayed inconsistently), Steam Manipulation (Can emit large amounts of steam to increase his strength and speed), Magnetism Manipulation (Can bind targets in place and immobilize them with Magnet Release), Bubble Manipulation (Can create explosive and toxic bubbles), Shapeshifting (Can transform into living beings and inanimate objects, and can use this in battle to confuse his opponents and catch them off-guard in a variety of ways), Extrasensory Perception (Can sense the attacks and movements of targets without seeing them, allowing him to appropriately dodge and can detect targets over large distances. In Six Paths Sage Mode, his sensory capabilities are increased to the extent that he can detect invisible clones that exist in a separate dimension), Non-Physical Interaction, Duplication (Can create shadow clones who can use his techniques, act as decoys and distractions, shields to protect him from harm and damage, improve his maneuverability, relay their knowledge and experiences to him, among other things), Summoning (Can summon toads of varying sizes, some of which can crush and flatten targets from above, spew oil from their mouths to restrict the movements of targets, levitate, skillfully wield weapons, manipulate water, and utilize illusions, among other things), Regeneration (Mid-Low normally as he has Hashirama's cells. Low-Mid in tailed forms scaling from his teenage self), Immortality (Type 3), Telepathy (Can read the minds of targets by making contact with them and connecting his chakra to them), Limited Petrification (Absorbing excess natural energy from him without the ability to properly balance it will result in the target being turned to stone), Limited Durability Negation (Rasenshuriken does damage by specifically attacking and damaging the cells of his targets), Limited Power Nullification with Rasenshuriken , Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Can breathe in space), Poison Manipulation (Can summon corrosive poison), Can attack people that enter his mind, Energy Projection (Can create chakra arms to attack targets from a distance and grant him better mobility and maneuverability), Forcefield Creation (Can expand his chakra to make it acts like a forcefield around him), Limited Invulnerability (Shares the same chakra as Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki), likely Paralysis Inducement (via paralysis jutsu), Cosmic Awareness (could sense Sasuke in a different dimension)
Resistance to Illusion Creation, Mind Manipulation as a perfect jinchūriki, Sleep Inducement (Resisted Itachi's attempt to put him to sleep), Possession (Suppressed Kurama's attempt to take over his body), Soul Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Matter Manipulation, Cosmic Radiations, Ice Manipulation, Acupuncture, Fusionism (Kurama rejected Pa's attempt to fuse with Naruto), Sealing (Destroyed the First Hokages necklace specifically created to seal the Nine-Tailed Fox), Deconstruction, Limited Resistance to Power Nullification (Users of Six Paths chakra can bypass the nullification effects of the Truth Seeking Balls and the attacks of Six Paths chakra users can bypass the nullification effects of the Truth Seeking Balls)
Attack Potency:
City Block level (Relative to Sasuke Uchiha, who can perform the Fireball Jutsu.) Town Level (Naruto is stronger than Chunin like Mizuki. overpowered one of Orochimaru’s snake summons, who are able to rip apart Tanzuku Castle which is a majority of Tanzaku Quarters, a large town.) Large Town level Possibly Small City Level (Naruto defeated Neji who is considered nigh Jôunin Level so should be above Shikumaru who held 8 Chunin simultaneously possibly 16 if he was using both hands.) Possibly Mountain Level (Should be superior to base Choji who if reverse calc stacking his feat in Butterfly Mode; which is a 100x multiplier.) Large Mountain Level (With Gamabunta fights shikaku who is stated to physically destroy Mountain ranges with his tail.) Island level (He later scales above members of the Sound Four. Jirobo, the weakest member of the Sound Four, who performs this feat, and Choji’s feat could easily be argued to be this impressive.) Country Level (KN0 Naruto was able to harm Haku who requires durability equal to low Kages like base Raikage to travel at light speed otherwise your body is ripped apart.) Country level (With Gamabunta who is stronger and faster than Naruto at the time. Gamabunta scales to Manda who Orochimaru struggled to control, a weakened Orochimaru is stated to hold destructive power that could destroy a country.) Country Level (Could harm Kabuto whom is kakashi’s equal and could harm Tsunade’s who has been stated to be the physically strongest of the Sannin and she could keep up with Orochimaru. As well as surviving inside Manda.) Large Country Level One Tailed Cloak (He’s able to fight equally against Curse Mark Version 2 Sasuke while base sharingan Sasuke was superior to KN0 Naruto who is superior to Kakashi. Curse Mark Version 2 is a 10 times increase in power.)
At least Country level with summons. Large Country level with the Two Tailed Cloak (was superior to One Tailed Cloak.) Large Country level with the Four Tailed Cloak (Naruto defeated Jiraiya, and nearly killing him. Jiraiya is capable of contending with weakened Orchimaru.) Continent Level Base Naruto Pain arc (Should be superior kakashi, as well as Kakazu and to Ao who survived a causal juubidama this powerful. Also possibly 10x weaker than Sage Naruto since lower sage transformations have those multipliers.) Multi-Continent level (Sage Mode Naruto is able to contend with Pain after he has beaten Sage Mode Jiraiya. Merely gets knocked back by an attack that casually one-shotted Gamabunta. He’s said by Zetsu to probably be even stronger than Mangekyō Sharingan Sasuke at this point.) Higher with the Six Tailed Cloak and Seven Tailed Cloak (Six Tailed Cloak Naruto easily withstood and pushed back a Shinra Tensei from Pain. He’s stronger with the Seven Tailed Cloak.) Multi-Continent level+ (in Kurama Chakra Mode.) Small Planet Level (In Bijuu Mode, Kuruma avatar is stated to be able to shatter the Earth and is relative in chakra to Hashirama. He is also capable of stalemating all of the remaining six jinchuriki with a single Bijuudama.) Small Planet level with summons (Gamakichi is capable of fighting the Juubi, who has Small planet Levels of chakra, alongside Bijuu Mode Naruto and Sasuke.) Planet Level (Bijuu Mode Naruto is said by Kurama to have surpassed Kushina entirely, who was born with strong enough chakra to suppress full Kurama, and whose chain techniques were greater than Karin’s, whose chains have the power that binds the world together.) Planet Level (Naruto can also contend with Juubi Obito who surpasses the second form Juubi entirely and with the Sword of Nunoboko which can obliterate the world in a single strike, Note Naruto and Sasuke shatter it in Magestic Attire.) Large Planet level (Full Power Naruto is capable of fighting Juubi Madara, who grows the shinju.) Dwarf Star Level ( Madara is equal to both Naruto and Sasuke combine however Naruto’s clones begin matching his limbo clones whom are equal to him shortly after.) At least High Universal Level (He has half of Hagoromo’s power, who can fight Kaguya and should have surpassed Rinne Sharingan Madara since kaguya is drastically beyond Madara yet Naruto can somewhat fight her.) Universal+ Level (Naruto is able to damage Kaguya repeatedly. Surpassing the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm that is superior to Amenominaka, the ability to switch and create her dimensions. Note Naruto is stated to have unrivalled physical strength with the Boil Release amp.)
Multi-Solar System Level (His base adult self is Superior to the New Era Kage who can beat Kinshiki and Fight Base Urashiki who are relative to Kaguya). Universal+ (Drastically stronger than his Base) (Fought Fused Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki, stating he could only keep up if it was 1 vs 1 and that the men before him where strong, while Naruto was at 50% chakra) (Both their strongest attacks collided all looked as if they were equally matched forever.)
Supersonic In The Land of Waves Arc (Naruto blitzes some fodder.) Hypersonic Post Land of waves Arc (Naruto states he’s moving at Mach 5). High Hypersonic in the Konoha Crush Arc (Naruto scales to Gaara, whose sand defences can outpace an explosion). Massively Hypersonic+ (Naruto is able to beat Neji who is capable of reacting to Kidomaru’s lightning speed arrow. Kidomaru should be superior to Jirobo, since he is repeatedly portrayed as the most inferior member of the Sound Four. Naruto was able to clash with Neji once he started using Kurama’s chakra.) Sub-Relativistic (When he defeated Gaara he should be superior to 4th Gate Lee.) Relativistic (should be relative to Kabuto who is Equal with Kakashi who could do this.) FTL (KN0 Naruto should be faster than Kakashi and Haku even out speeding the mirrors reflection.) FTL (He’s able to fight equally against Curse Mark Version 2 Sasuke while base sharingan Sasuke was superior to KN0 Naruto whom out speed Haku. Curse Mark Version 2 should be a 10 times increase in Speed.)
FTL with the Four Tailed Cloak. FTL+ (Kurama Chakra Mode Naruto performs this feat early in the War Arc and then proceeds to get much faster.) MFTL (Bijuu Mode Naruto can fight Edo Madara who is this fast and out-scales him by keeping up Juubi Obito.) MFTL+ (Full Power Naruto contend and keep up with kaguya who is this fast.)
At least FTL (His base Adult self who was able to dodge a photon gun multiple times while weakened and unable to manipulate chakra) | FTL (Dodged Delta's lightspeed beams multiple times at close range) | Likely MFTL+ (Far faster than his base adult self is Superior to the New Era Kage who can beat Kinshiki and keep up with base Urashiki who are both threats to Kaguya Ōtsutsuki) | At least MFTL+ | (Could react to Fused Momoshiki's attacks while at 50% chakra) |Atleast 968 Sextillion xFTL MFTL+ | (Speed Blitz Isshiki who can speed blitz 100% Adult SpSm Naruto And Sasuke)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Class T | Unknown | At least Class T, Class Z via Six Paths Chibaku Tensei (Helped lift a moon with Gravity Manipulation)
Striking Strength: Large Class (Physically damaged Kaguya) | Universal+ Class (Physically damaged Fused Momoshiki)| Universal+ Class (Stronger than before contended with Isshiki)
Durability:Multi-Solar System Level (His base adult self is Superior to the New Era Kage who can beat Kinshiki and Fight Base Urashiki who are relative to Kaguya) | Unknown| Universal+ (Survived one of Momoshiki's strongest attacks and completely absorbed it into his body despite Ōtsutsuki being able to create his dimensions they please in a short timeframe)
Stamina: Extremely high (Can fight for hours or days without stopping)
Standard Equipment: Standard ninja tools (Possibly)
Intelligence: Combat Genius. Skilled fighter and tactician, has proven to be innovative when it comes to finding ways to deceive his opponents, otherwise average
Weaknesses: Sometimes acts without thinking
Key: Base (The Last) | 100% Kyuubi Chakra Sage Mode (The Last) | Base (New Era) | Six Paths Sage Mode
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: