Low Multi Goku
So Goku and beerus are fighting in space and their fight send shockwaves throughout the whole universe
which can also be felt all the way to the Kaioushin realm which exists on its own plane (to observe the universe) and is separated from the macrocosm by millions of kilometres
this would make this a uni+ feats
but the actual size of uni 7 is about the size of a low multiverse (macrocosm) lemme explain
there is the universe where living people reside which is at least the size of a normal universe possibly endless
the afterlife which is exactly the same size of the universe
and the demon realm
also here are all the other shit
MFTL+ Momoshiki Feat
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Feat
- 3 Calculation
- 4 Conclusion
I will be calculating Momoshiki’s feat in the Boruto Movie Novelisation where Momoshiki absorbs chakra from beyond his dimension. Which is a cannon feat.
Momoshiki absorbs chakra from beyond his dimension. His dimension should have stars since it has light even though thick clouds cover the sky. Also he should out-scale her via statements from Kaguya herself, Momoshiki and Saskue.
Why there is a star in his dimension?
The Boruto Movie Novelisation also states
His dimension should have stars.
We are not given an exact time frame, but we can say for sure it took less than a min for the chakra to go from beyond his dimension to the planet if not a few seconds via the anime since it happened while he was tra…
Relativistic Kakashi Feat
I will be calculating a Kakashi feat in original Naruto
Haku intercepts kakashi’s Chidori. Haku who is stated to use his mirrors reflections to travel at light speed. While using a mirror to transport Kakashi moves to stab Zabuza and ends up stabbing Haku.
Here in the official Dub for Naruto Haku stated he transports at light speed and sees sasuke and naruto in slow motion.
Relativistic kakashi